In addition, the formulation of this relatively simple model enables instructors to introduce students to the capability of programming Solver using VBA. current use of Excel in the classroom it can be highly instructive to formulate the problem using Excel. Chlond claims that a spreadsheet formulation is not straightforward but we present a simple Excel formulation. In a previous paper, Chlond presented the formulation of Sudoku as an integer program. The research will also analyze whether additional regulation of product-service contracts is needed and propose adjustments to the contractual liability regime(s). ) could provide an adequate legal solution that is behaviorally acceptable to users. Thirdly, the research will examine whether alternatives to regulation (insurance, standard contracts, standardization of services.
#Doodle fit game integer programming model drivers
Secondly, it will develop a general conceptual framework of drivers and barriers for PSS at the consumer-side. First, this research will model and identify the behavioral and legal barriers that inhibit users to switch to these new, circular PSS and examine to what extent and how the existing contractual liability regimes in the EU and selected Member States (BE, NL) can be applied to product-service contracts. Taking into account behavioral barriers, and in absence of a clear regulatory framework, users feel uncertain and hesitant to engage in new, circular product-service systems (‘PSS’). This trend has a huge potential, also in economic terms, not the least in b2c markets. The transition from a linear to a more circular economy that uses less scarce raw materials and causes less negative environmental impact, entails new business models and a shift from buying produc ts to using products (‘servitization’, ‘access-based consumption’). In order to strengthen a transdisciplinary dimension, the input of policy makers, practitioners and business stakeholders will be actively sought. Therefore, the IECOMAT project is about integrated assessment models for the transition towards a circular economy. In all approaches, three fundamental perspectives will be included: physical material flows, environmental effects and socio-economic impacts, and business incentives. Some specific areas of expertise will be subcontracted to national and international specialists in their domain. This will lead to an interdisciplinary analysis of key scenarios for the Belgian economy. This multidisciplinary team from a leading Flemish research institute on sustainable material management (VITO) and two research intensive universities (KU Leuven and UCL) will interact intensively. The IECOMAT project brings together a multidisciplinary team of experienced scientists from material and environmental engineering, environmental economics, industrial organization and stakeholder consultation practice.

They are helpful for supporting (a) adjustment of the existing demand and supply patterns of energy resources, (b) facilitation of dynamic analysis for decisions of capacity expansion and/or development planning, and (c) coordination of the conflict interactions among economic cost, system efficiency, pollutant mitigation and energy-supply security. The results indicate that reasonable solutions have been generated.

Then, IFMI-MEM is applied to a real case study of energy systems planning in Beijing. It can also facilitate capacity-expansion planning for energy-production facilities within a multi-period and multi-option context. IFMI-MEM allows uncertainties expressed as determinates, crisp interval values and functional intervals to be incorporated within a general optimization framework. IFMI-MEM is based on an integration of existing interval-parameter programming (IPP), mixed-integer linear programming (MILP) and full-infinite programming (FIP) techniques. In this study, an interval full-infinite mixed-integer municipal-scale energy model (IFMI-MEM) is developed for planning energy systems of Beijing.